# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import print_function
.. module:: Common_structures_for_Perovskites.
.. moduleauthor:: Dawei Wang <dwang5@zoho.com>
This file takes care of R-3 related structures, which are even more comlpex
than Pnma related phases.
from ase import Atoms
import numpy as np
from ase.data import reference_states as _refstate
from ase.utils import basestring
from functools import reduce
from puc import Puc
from glazer import decode_glazer, my_equal
from copy import deepcopy
# class Pero_factory:
[docs]class Distortion:
The class sets distortion to perovskite structure.
Basic Information:
:param symbols: Symbols of ABO3.
:param lattice_constant: Lattice constant of cubic ABO3.
:param grid: Number of unit cells along the three axes.
:param covera: The ratio of the length of unit cell along **c-** axis to **a-** axis, not the supercell.
Parameters to set up the distortion:
:param glazer: Glazer notation of distortion.
:param omega: The angles of the rotation along the three axes.
:param u: Magnitudes of the vibration in three axes.
:param k_u: The pattern of shift.
:param local_mode: Eigenvalues of vibration.
def __init__(self,
'symbols': ['Ba', 'Ti', 'O'],
'lattice_constant': 4.0,
'grid': (2, 2, 2),
'covera': 1.0
Input parameters to set up the desired distortion.
Default omega is around z axis, with a magnitude of 0.1
a0 is the lattice constant in the pseudocubic strucutre.
For now, the compitiblity check falls on the user.
self.system = system
self.int_basis = np.diag(self.system['grid'])
self.basis_factor = 1.0
self.symbols = self.system['symbols']
self.covera = self.system['covera']
# Converts the natural basis back to the crystallographic basis
self.inverse_matrix = np.linalg.inv(np.transpose(self.int_basis))
self.pucs = self.generate_pucs()
a0 = self.system['lattice_constant']
self.lattice = [[a0, 0, 0], [0, a0, 0], [0, 0, a0 * self.covera]]
self.cell = np.dot(self.int_basis, self.lattice)
# set default distort if it is not set.
if distort is None:
self._distort = {
'glazer': 'a0a0a0',
'omega': (0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
'u': (0.00, 0.0, 0.0),
'k_u': [[0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0]],
'local_mode': [0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00],
def distort(self):
# Do something if you want
return self._distort
def distort(self, val):
# Do something if you want
self._distort = val
# Since the distortion is changed,
# I need to reset the pucs and the parameters.
self.pucs = self.generate_pucs()
def generate_pucs(self):
a = self.int_basis[0][0]
b = self.int_basis[1][1]
c = self.int_basis[2][2]
# set up the primitive unit cells.
lg = [] # undistorted puc
for i in range(a):
for j in range(b):
for k in range(c):
puc = Puc(symbols=self.symbols, shift_index=[i, j, k])
return lg
def get_atoms(self):
# return atomic information to ASE.
return Atoms(
def set_parameters(self):
# Deal with oxygen tilting first.
self.omega = self._distort['omega']
relat2 = [
my_equal(self.omega[0], self.omega[1]),
my_equal(self.omega[1], self.omega[2]),
my_equal(self.omega[2], self.omega[0])
self.glazer = decode_glazer(self._distort['glazer'])
self.k_omega = self.glazer[0]
# the angles of rotation should be consistent with the letters of glazer notation
if (self.glazer[1] != relat2):
print("Given omega values are not consistent with the given Glazer notation.")
# Deal with ions displacements.
self.k_u = self._distort['k_u']
self.local_mode = self._distort['local_mode']
self.u = self._distort['u']
def actuate_distort(self):
if self._distort is not None:
# Carry out the oxygen octahedron rotation and the displacements.
[docs] def rotate_puc(self, puc):
Rotate the ions in one primitive unit cell.
sign = (-1) ** np.dot(self.k_omega, puc.shift_index)
omega1 = sign * self.omega
puc.rotate(omega1, self.covera)
def rotate(self):
# Rotate the ions in all unit cell.
list(map(lambda x: self.rotate_puc(x), self.pucs))
[docs] def shift_puc(self, puc):
Move the ions in one primitive unit cell.
sign = (-1) ** np.dot(self.k_u, puc.shift_index)
u1 = sign * self.u
puc.shift(u1, self.local_mode)
def shift(self):
# Move the ions in all unit cell.
list(map(lambda x: self.shift_puc(x), self.pucs))
def print(self):
list(map(lambda x: x.print_atoms(), self.pucs))
def bravais_basis(self):
#return absolute position
p = list(map(lambda x: x.bravais_basis(), self.pucs))
q = reduce(lambda x, y: x + y, p)
return list(map(lambda x: np.matmul(self.inverse_matrix, x), q))
def element_basis(self):
#match atoms symbols
p = list(map(lambda x: x.element_basis(), self.pucs))
p = reduce(lambda x, y: x + y, p)
d = dict()
count = 0
for i in p:
if i in d:
d[i] = count
count += 1
return list(map(lambda x: d[x], p))
def element_names(self):
#return atoms symbols
p = list(map(lambda x: x.element_basis(), self.pucs))
p = reduce(lambda x, y: x + y, p)
return p