from math import *
import numpy as np
from supercell import Supercell
from netCDF4 import Dataset
import time
from ewald_cd import *
from utility import *
[docs]class Charge_dipole(Supercell):
Generate charge-dipole interaction matrix.
The parameters are similar to that of 'charge-charge'.
.. note::
To avoid the directly ovelap between charges and dipoles, charges had
been shift by (0.5,0.5,0.5) (relative coordinate) with respect to the origin
of each unit cell, where the dipole stays. Therefore, the indexing in the
generated 'netcdf' matrix is different from the others.
def __init__(self, n1, n2, nz, lattice):
Supercell.__init__(self, n1, n2, nz, lattice)
self.cdij = np.zeros((2 * n1 + 1, 2 * n2 + 1, 2 * nz + 1, 3))
self.cd_matrix_calculated = False
def write_cd_matrix(self, fn):
if self.cd_matrix_calculated == False:
print("Calculate the matrix first ...")
self.cd_matrix_calculated = True
dipm = Dataset(fn, "w", format="NETCDF4")
direction = dipm.createDimension("direction", 3)
directions = dipm.createVariable("direction", np.int32, ("direction"))
iax = dipm.createDimension("iax", None)
iaxs = dipm.createVariable("iax", np.int32, ("iax"))
iay = dipm.createDimension("iay", None)
iays = dipm.createVariable("iay", np.int32, ("iay"))
iaz = dipm.createDimension("iaz", None)
iazs = dipm.createVariable("iaz", np.int32, ("iaz"))
# The actual 2-d varable.
matrix = dipm.createVariable('matrix', np.float64, ('iax', 'iay', 'iaz', 'direction'))
dipm.description = 'Charge dipole matrix: interaction matrix'
dipm.history = 'Created at ' + time.ctime(time.time())
matrix[:, :, :, :] = self.cdij
def generate_cd_matrix(self):
pi = 4.0 * atan(1.0)
pi2 = pi * 2.0
NN = 10
tol = 1.0e-12
eta = sqrt(-log(tol)) * 2
gcut = 2.0 * eta ** 2
gcut2 = gcut ** 2
eta4 = 1.0 / (4 * eta ** 2)
am = np.zeros((3))
for i in range(3):
for k in range(3):
am[i] += self.a[k, i] ** 2
am[i] = sqrt(am[i])
mg1 = int(gcut * am[0] / pi2) + 1
mg2 = int(gcut * am[1] / pi2) + 1
mg3 = int(gcut * am[2] / pi2) + 1
print('Gcut: ', gcut, ' mg1, mg2, mg3: ', mg1, mg2, mg3)
# Set parameters to be used in the PYBIND11 C++ computation.
cd_set_parameters(self.b, mg1, mg2, mg3, gcut2, eta4)
flag_calculated = np.zeros((2 * self.n1 + 1, 2 * self.n2 + 1, 2 * self.n3 + 1), dtype=int)
for ia in range(self.nsites):
for ja in range(self.nsites):
print('site: ', ia, ja)
iax = self.ixa[ia]
iay = self.iya[ia]
iaz = self.iza[ia]
jax = self.ixa[ja]
jay = self.iya[ja]
jaz = self.iza[ja]
ix = jax - iax
iy = jay - iay
iz = jaz - iaz
ixi = ix + self.n1
iyi = iy + self.n2
izi = iz + self.n3
if (flag_calculated[ixi, iyi, izi] == 1):
pos = np.zeros(3)
pos = (ix + 0.5) * self.lattice[0, :] \
+ (iy + 0.5) * self.lattice[1, :] \
+ (iz + 0.5) * self.lattice[2, :]
rx = pos[0]
ry = pos[1]
rz = pos[2]
c = 4.0 * pi / self.celvol
dum = np.zeros(3)
# print('Summing over k space')
cd_sum_over_k(dum, rx, ry, rz)
# The 2.0 comes from how the sum on k was done.
self.cdij[ixi, iyi, izi, :] = dum[:] * c * 2.0
# The following is an attempt to see what happens if
# the k=0 term is added.
# self.cdij[ixi,iyi,izi,:] = (dum[:]+pos)*c*2.0
flag_calculated[ixi, iyi, izi] = 1
self.cd_matrix_calculated = True